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Our regular updates will feature experts in HR, Security, Recruitment, Employment Law, Leadership and Wellbeing

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We actively encourage our members to reach out and make contact with others to form collaborative and supportive relationships.

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Don't get left behind. By Joining HReSource you can receive regular specific updates that relate to your role and your sector.

Watch the latest Videos

Our content is available in multiple formats. The Vodcasts and Webinars are recorded and accessible for you to view at a time to suit you. Our regular updates will feature experts in a wide range of relevant fields.

Business Insight Leaders

If you have the experience and expertise that may help others within HReSource we need to talk - email david@hresource.co.uk for more information


Perhaps you've a story to share on our podcast, useful information to share via a webinar, an article for the platform or a pre-recorded video that would be of value. We'd love to hear from you. This is your network.

Why You Should Join Us

We know there are far too many demands on our time and it’s all too easy to become distracted, especially when seeking help or support online.

HReSource aims to make your life easier by having all the essential and useful stuff close to hand so you don’t need multiple notes, bookmarks or tabs open on your laptop.

Yes you can keep up to date with the latest employment law, compliance and general management essentials. 

But…essentially we’re about giving you the opportunity to raise your profile and participate in forum discussions, webinars and possibly be a guest on our very own podcast.  Because we know we don’t know it all and the true value rests in the knowledge of our members. 

Choose Your Groups

HReSource members can choose groups to join that are designed to offer levels of expertise and insight to support your specific needs. Here are just a few examples of what’s available in each.

Learning & Development

industry specialists

Employment Law

Leading HR Lawyers

Covid-19 Support

government and community updates

Executive Lounge

The C-Suite

Business Insight

You create the definitive guide for business

Health & Safety

Industry Expertise


Highly Experienced practitioners


Noted leaders in the field

Essential News for Business

Working From Home

There can’t be many employees who welcome the 10pm email, text or WhatsApp message from the boss requesting a presence at an 8am Zoom call the next morning. Or request that report you’re working on to be ready two days sooner than you’d budgeted for with a 6.00am call.

About Us

HReSource originated as a simple monthly update for business owners and HR professionals, distributed via email.  Research had identified two critical factors that were hindering business growth and causing owners sleepless nights. 

  1. Employment legislation was complicated and prevented SME’s from taking necessary risks in hiring all important talent to develop their business.
  2. Hiring an in-house employment law specialist was pretty much bottom of all business owners lists of those they intended to recruit.

Given the above points it was clear there existed a real need for clear, non-legalese, topical and accurate information.  And so HReSource was born.

The approach of the business at launch was shaped by a conversation with Jeff Bezos during a marketing forum. A fascinating story I’m sure the founder David Laud would be happy to share with you when you join our community.

After many years developing the brand and managing a six figure subscription mailing list, which made the update the most popular in Europe, it was time to look at ways in which a community might evolve and greater engagement and collaboration be possible.

Originally we looked at the usual social media suspects, settling on the creation of a Group that was housed within the LinkedIn platform.

Over the years this Group became less active, an experience shared by many others running such initiatives on Linkedin. Something needed to change and we started to search for a new home and focus for HReSource. 

A number of ideas were trialled but in March 2020 David decided to re-purpose HReSource and focus specifically on helping business owners and executives, better manage their commercial and personal matters in light of Covid-19.

An online community has been established that migrated from that original group that “rested” (carefully chosen word) on the LinkedIn platform.  We are now partnering with Mighty Networks who offer an ad free, private, secure but entirely flexible structure within which we can welcome members and offer them a rich experience of advice, information, signposting and participation.

We’re evolving the concept and features within our community to match the needs of business owners and executives at this very difficult time.  It’s not perfect but we’re making every effort to offer great value, a spirit of collaboration and true support and connectivity.  These are the key principles that we believe will see us through and beyond the pandemic. 

Take a look, join for free and drop us a line with what you’re looking to achieve from HResource and let’s see if we can make that happen.