If you’re looking for something to help generate a little fun and a few memories this festive season, download our free quiz.

If you like the idea of the quiz and you use it we’d be very grateful if you’d consider supporting our 2024 charity CALM.  This year we’re hoping to raise £500 for the charity.  https://www.justgiving.com/page/david-laud-hresource-calm2024

The cost of living crisis is dampening the usual Xmas spirit. With more than two fifths of the UK feeling worse off than last year, the thought of cashing out for Christmas can be worrying. Stresses can really pile up during the festive period, so if you’re feeling a bit bah humbug about it all, we’ve pulled together some proper useful tips to get you through.

At CALM, we know Xmas isn’t a jolly holiday for everyone. There’s stuff that can make this time of year really tough, from family politics to feeling lonely. So if the mention of the 25th December has got your palms all sweaty, we’re here to help.

We asked our helpline workers for some advice on how to deal with common Christmas anxieties.

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